Friday, 28 June 2013

Button art and transformers

I was thrilled when someone referred to Button and Squeak as button art this week.  My range seems to be expanding and I seem to have become more and more creative as my confidence has grown.  I have been looking at courses and was so disappointed at how few courses are available and accessible to people who want to learn new skills.  With this in mind I have been sharing creative skills at work.
In my day job I am a secondary school teacher.  This week I have made an effort to share and inspire creativity.  I have visited colleagues in a primary school to help with sats prepation which was hugely rewarding.  I have collaborated with colleagues to make new resourses and signed up to teach some kids to make earrings next year.  I may have ended up volunteering to teach them to read 15th century writing as well.  Its a really great feeling to share what you are great at and its amazing how free people are with their skills in return. 
All I need now is someone to teach me to use this sewing machine....

Learning to boil water with a transformer.  Awesome.

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